Taking Care of Yourself While Raising Your Grandchildren

Written By: Terry Turner for RetireGuide.com

An estimated 2.7 million grandparents in the United States are taking the lead in raising their grandchildren. More than 6.1 million children under 18 live in their grandparents’ households. Focusing on your physical, mental and financial health is critical if you are your grandchild’s primary caregiver.

Grandparents can easily become overwhelmed when they first take on the responsibility of raising their grandchildren full time. The situations can be emotional and stressful for everyone in the family.

Legal and financial issues may increase that stress. Most grandparents are at a time of life when their own health is beginning to diminish.

But there are resources, financial assistance and other help available that can ease the stress, shore up health care and ease the money crunch for grandparents raising their grandkids.

The secret can be understanding your situation and knowing where to turn for help.

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