Follow Your Dreams: How to Make the Most of Retirement

Blog Written By: Sharon Wagner of Senior Friendly Info

There’s no better time than retirement to take charge, create the quality of life you want for yourself, and embark on fulfilling new ventures. Whether you’re interested in learning a new skill, taking up a hobby, traveling the world, or even launching a new business, now is the time to embrace life!

Manage Your Health

According to the American Heart Association, being healthy later in life means eating a heart-healthy diet, managing chronic conditions, and staying active. It also means minding your mental health. Seniors can be prone to depression, but staying involved in your community, enjoying life, and getting enough sleep and hydration can all help. Get regular wellness checks and routine blood work so you can stay on top of your wellbeing. Dietary and exercise needs change with age, so collaborate with your primary care provider to ensure you’re on the right track. You can start with some stretching, walking, and balance exercises.

Do New Things

A commitment to lifelong learning means being open to new experiences throughout your lifespan. Whether you take online classes, pick up a new hobby, or travel to new places, always be on the lookout for new adventures that can expand your horizons. Maybe it’s time to join a recreation league, start learning a new language, become a yogi, or embark on a quest to become a musician. Not only will these activities create new opportunities to learn, but it will also keep you sharp and engaged, as well as expand your social circle and help improve your quality of life.

Make a Difference

We all want to feel vital, and of service, and volunteering or becoming a mentor are ways to contribute to the good of society. Maybe you have a favorite service organization or a religious affiliation that needs support. Perhaps you see a specific need in your community to be addressed, whether that’s a clean-up effort, taking up a collection for a local book drive, or even delivering meals to those in need. According to VolunteerMatch, you can check out local volunteer opportunities and find something that feels like a good fit.

Launch a Business

More and more seniors are using their professional experiences to launch a business in retirement. You might build on your previous career, or monetize a hobby. To be successful, you’ll want to start by creating a business plan and choosing a business structure. An LLC protects you from some types of liability, creates flexibility, and makes it easier to file your taxes. You can do the legwork yourself, pay an attorney to do it, or use a formation service to manage the details on your behalf.

Follow Your Bliss

So many of us put off our own personal aspirations in order to grow a career or raise a family. Now is the time to assess what makes you personally happy and fulfilled and follow your own dreams. Whether that includes downsizing and travel, more time with friends, or focusing on your mental health and personal goals, there’s no better time to prioritize yourself and live your most fulfilling life. Make an honest assessment of what brings you bliss and put plans in place to follow it.

Quality of life is defined in different ways by different people, but the bottom line is finding what brings you joy, serenity, and a sense of wellbeing. Whether that means seeing the world, expanding your network of friends, or learning something new every day, the future is yours to embrace.